
Stromag Designs New Fail-Safe Electromagnetic Brakes for Ships, Harbors and Other Industrial Applications

To meet the evolving demands of industrial marine operators handling greater loads at higher speeds, engineers at Stromag started from a clean sheet to design a new line of fail-safe electromagnetic brakes.  Modern vessels are equipped with […]


Improved Coil Design Contributes to Higher Power Density in ABB’s New Industrial Motors for Hazardous Locations

ABB has introduced new motors that use its improved coil design for higher power, this time applied to models optimized for making the most of limited operating space in hazardous duty locations such as equipment-crowded […]


Advancements in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Open Up Promising New Therapies for Array of Neural Conditions

Advancements in transcranial magnetic stimulation, otherwise known as TMS, are yielding new diagnostic and treatment solutions for a growing roster of neural conditions. The new TMS products are bringing expanding business opportunity to medical device companies as they pioneer promising […]