More price rises have been put into effect by Carpenter Technology, manufacturer of magnetic powders and other specialty alloys. The latest round took effect July 5 and mimics the 12-15% rate hike on new, non-contract orders across the majority of its premium products that it implemented in March. The tally comes to four increases posted May 2021, adding up to total price increases in the range of 36-46%.
Based in Philadelphia, Carpenter manufactures an extensive portfolio of specialty alloys including titanium, nickel, and cobalt, as well as alloys specifically engineered for additive manufacturing processes and for soft magnetics applications.
Among its soft magnetic alloys are Chrome Core 12-FM for use in magnetic components needing strong corrosion resistance with reduced saturation induction; and its 430 Solenoid Quality which are ferritic chromium-iron stainless alloys specially developed for soft magnetic components that operate in corrosive environments.
Its magnetic alloys include P6 which is a ductile, cobalt base precipitation hardened semi-hard magnetic alloy, similar to Vicalloy, combining the advantages of high hysteresis loss and low magnetizing force into one material; also, MagneDur 20-4 cobalt-free alloy with semi-hard magnetic properties that is malleable and ductile, lending itself to the manufacture of strip, foil, and wire. For more info, see www.carpentertechnology.com.