
SENIS and Its Founder Honored for Technical Achievements in Magnetic Sensing

SENIS AG, a developer of magnetic sensing and instrumentation systems based in Switzerland, has been receiving accolades for its Fast Magnetic Angle Sensor, known as FAMAS, and the technological achievements of its founder, Professor Radivoje Popovic. Amidst the pandemic, recognitions […]


Magnetofection Products from OZ Biosciences Advance Biotech Research, Development of New Medicines

Look around life science laboratories most anywhere in the world and before long you will likely come across magnetic reagents along with a few specially designed magnetic kits and laboratory tools from OZ Biosciences. The company’s Magnetofection technology is […]


Development of a High-Field, Non-Insulated, High Temperature Superconducting Magnet for Fusion Research and Other Applications

By Dr. Zbigniew Piec and Thomas W. Overton  Recent advances in superconductor technology, especially high-temperature superconductors (HTS), have revolutionized industries from defense and transportation to energy, medicine, and basic science. Magnets employing superconducting (SC) material in their windings can […]