Diesel Icon Volvo Penta Moves Aggressively into E-Propulsion
From powering firetrucks to ferryboats, Volvo Penta is aggressively building its prowess in the design and production of electric drivelines and e-propulsion systems. Long known as a supplier of diesel power systems for industrial and marine markets, the Swedish sibling of Volvo automobile and truck brands is making bold steps toward electrification as the markets that it serves increasingly electrify their transportation platforms. Read More

World’s Most Powerful Tidal Turbine Launched Offshore Scotland
Tidal power holds a lot of promise for generating clean energy. As with power from the wind, it can require a lot of engineering and magnets to harness. This spring that promise stepped closer to reality when Orbital Marine Power Ltd, a Scottish-based developer of floating tidal turbine technology, successfully launched its 2MW tidal turbine, the Orbital O2. The 680-ton turbine was towed from the Port of Dundee on April 22 to waters offshore Orkney Island.
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Hirst Leader Dies as Company Introduces New Generation of Pulsed-Field Magnetometry Systems
John Dudding, longtime leader at Hirst Magnetic Instruments in the UK, died suddenly in May. Since 1981, Dudding devoted his career to building a thriving high-tech industry in his home of Cornwall. For much of that time his focus was on the development of pulsed-field magnetometry (PFM) technology for the measurement of hysteresis loops in rare-earth magnetic materials. Read More

New Identify for Plitron as Noratel Group Unifies Its Global Brand
Seeking to build a unified identity, Norwegian transformer manufacturing conglomerate Noratel Group, has rebranded its Canadian subsidiary Plitron to become Noratel Canada. “A united brand strategy using one brand name is the best way to communicate that Noratel is a global and seamless organization with unmatched engineering, manufacturing, and geographic reach within the power magnetics industry,” the company says. Read More