Reduced-Helium Magnets from Philips a Game-Changer in MRI Scanners
Maximizing image quality is a given in any new magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Delivering that capability to the maximum number of patients and doing it cost effectively, however, depends on optimizing workflows and maximizing scanner up-time. Many radiology departments are currently under extreme pressure to perform more MRI scans on more patients, not only due to the aging population but also to deal with the backlog of cases resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Read More

AM/NS, the New Face for Electrical Steel Production in India, Books $1B in Earnings
Eighteen months into existence, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India) reports a strong resurgence in its fortunes, booking more than $1 billion in profits amidst rising demand in the first six months of 2021. Backed by the deep pockets and persistence of ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel, the joint venture is emerging as the new face of Essar Steel in India, a large but insolvent manufacturer of electrical and other steel products that the two partners finally rescued from bankruptcy. Now they are focused on growth. Read More

Magnetics Magazine Expands to Meet Surging Demand
Magnetics Magazine has expanded dramatically throughout its media platform to meet surging demand in key growing markets that it serves. Large increases in magazine circulation, original content, website audience and e-newsletter distribution have all been made in recent months. Read More

Magnetic Levitation Studied at JPL for Moving Payloads Around the Moon
While rich tourists may be thinking about a space voyage, scientists at NASA have their sights on more mundane pursuits, like moving payloads around the moon. Magnetic levitation could be the key. Read More