Research & Development

Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT): DARPA’s Magnetic Lunar Railway System

Northrop Grumman Corporation has been selected by DARPA to further develop the concept of building a moon-based railroad network … The envisioned lunar railroad network could transport humans, supplies and resources for commercial ventures across the lunar surface – contributing to a space economy for the United States and international partner […]


Defense Contractors Apply Advanced Radar to Fighter Jets; Magnetic Systems & Components Play Key Role as Technology Expands to Maritime & Commercial Use 

In the unrelenting global race for air combat superiority, the progressive development and integration of Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar has become an industry standard for virtually all new fighter jets. Additionally, many older aircraft are being retrofit to incorporate the radars because it provides what Lockheed Martin, whose subsidiary Northrop Grumman is the largest provider of the systems, describes as “first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability.” […]


Northrop Grumman to Produce New Navigation Sensor for Navy 

The U.S. Navy has awarded Northrop Grumman a production contract for the company’s new inertial sensor module that can overcome jamming of Global Position System signals, a key concern for military navigation operations. Designed with magnetic sensing along with a multiple of other sensing capabilities, the unit is a next-generation sensor that significantly improves maritime navigation in Global Positioning System-denied environments for ships and submarines. […]


Space Tech Expo returns to Long Beach in 2021

Space Tech Expo USA has recently announced the return of the live and in-person showcase event of space technology and services for spacecraft, satellite and launcher systems, subsystems, components, and materials for civil, military, and commercial space to Long Beach, California, October 6 – 8.   […]