Digital Version

May/June + Annual Resource Guide 2023

Leonardo DRS Delivers Electric Propulsion for New Military VesselsAs navies aggressively electrify their fleets, defense contractor Leonardo DRS is supplying a growing roster of permanent-magnet systems for both hybrid-electric and full-electric propulsion. In recent programs, […]

Digital Version

March/April 2023

HyProMag H2-Enabled Magnet Recycling Ventures Coming Onstream in UK and GermanyA process employing hydrogen is promising relief to one of the vexing problems in recycling rare earth magnets from electronic and automotive waste streams. The […]

Digital Version

January/February 2023

Magnetoelastic Torque Sensors from MagCanica Provide Secret Sauce for Race Cars & AircraftMagnetoelastic sensor systems from magnetomechanical specialist MagCanica are bringing improved performance to intense rotating machinery including high-profile race cars as well as military […]