e-Power Technology

FormFactor Advances Cryogenic Testing & Magnetic Probing for Quantum Developers 

Cryogenics and magnetic probing are enabling advancements in the physical sciences to leverage superconductivity, magnetism and quantum behaviors in new ways to provide unmatched processing power, reduce energy use and improve sensor sensitivity. As a result, R&D labs need test and measurement systems with the ability to manifest extreme environments, leading to a suite of product innovations by FormFactor, a provider of test and measurement systems for the semiconductor industry. […]


Measurement & Positioning Specialist ELGO Builds Out Line of Sensors for Elevator Safety 

Crafting sensor and measurement products for 45 years, many of which combine sophisticated magnetic and electronics technology, ELGO Electronic GmbH of Germany has recently built out its Limax series of sensors that detect absolute shaft position and speed to ensure passenger safety in elevators. […]