
MagLab Hunts for Breakthroughs in Medical and Biotech Research; Philips Taps in via MagCorp 

Two programs involving MagLab, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory headquartered at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, illustrate one of its unique capabilities — as a center of cutting-edge research for advancements in medicine and biotechnology. One program involves renewed funding from the National Institutes of Health for several efforts in nuclear magnetic resonance; the other an agreement for collaboration between MagCorp, an innovative new commercial partner with the lab, and medical equipment maker Philips seeking new breakthroughs in reduced-helium magnetic resonance imaging.  […]


Time Medical MRI Charges Ahead with Production of Neonatal MRI in Hong Kong

With US FDA clearance in hand and a new production facility in Hong Kong, Time Medical is charging ahead to get NEONA, its breakthrough neonatal magnetic resonance imaging system, on the market. A world-first superconducting MRI system dedicated for baby diagnosis, NEONA can significantly improve the precision and image quality of fragile newborns, infants and children. […]


Magnets for Horse Mobility and Therapy from England 

While the therapeutic power of magnets remains a subject of scientific debate, many horse owners believe in their efficacy. From all over the world they turn to Equilibrium Products of England for its thoughtully designed wraps and blankets to position magnets precisely where desired. They are designed to support mobility, aid joint function and maintain healthy tendons. […]


Optically Pumped Magnetometers from QuSpin Guide Drones & Brain Imaging 

Optically pumped magnetometers have an edge over even some superconducting devices for precision magnetic field detection since they don’t need cryogenic cooling. QuSpin, a company focused on developing atomic devices, has come out with its second-generation sensor for integration into compact aerial and underwater drones. Meanwhile, Cerca Magnetics, a medtech startup is applying QuSpin’s OPM technology to open new capabilities in neurologic imaging. […]