THEVA High-Temperature Superconductor Wire Making Breakthroughs in Windpower Turbines and Electrical Transmission Applications
THEVA, a German developer of high-temperature superconducting wire – notably which is very pricey compared to copper wire but has extraordinary magnetic properties, is making important progress in demonstrating the effectiveness of its wire for use in windpower turbines and electrical transmission lines.
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Denso Completes Integration with ASMO in the U.S. to Strengthen Motors Business & Technology
Denso, the world’s second largest mobility supplier and a major developer of advanced permanent magnet motor technology, has fully integrated its consolidated subsidiary ASMO companies in the U.S. into its North American operations. By combining ASMO’s small-motor strengths with Denso’s expertise in large, high-power motors, the company aims to accelerate its development of motor innovations for North American customers.
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Thyssenkrupp to Buy Rare Earths from Northern Minerals in Australia While Helping to Expand the Operation; Key Separation Testing by K-Tech
Northern Minerals Ltd, one of the few producers of rare earth minerals outside China, and steel company Thyssenkrupp have made an offtake agreement whereby Thyssenkrupp will purchase 100% of the output from Northern’s Browns Range Pilot Plant in northern Australia. The companies are also pledging to work together to expand the operations at the project.
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