
A Lifting Magnet’s Neo Is Almost Immortal, Notes WalMag, but Safety Inspections of the Product Should Be Done Regularly 

High-quality neodymium in the magnetic core of an industrial lifting magnet is almost immortal, notes Walmag of Czech Republic, a long-time producer of lifting magnets and chucks – but safety inspections of the full product […]

e-Power Technology

Researchers at Aichi Steel & Tohoku University Design Lighter, Smaller e-Axle 

Using its molded MagFine alloy, Aichi Steel reports that it has developed in collaboration with Tohoku University an experimental e-axle that is 40% lighter and smaller than conventional designs. It combines a newly developed compact high-speed reducer with a compact and lightweight 34,000 rpm motor. For the first time, says the company, it has succeeded in proofing the technology of a high-speed, high-reduction next-generation electric axle with high-speed rotation and high deceleration that contributes to weight reduction. […]