ASM Sensors has developed a magnetoresistive sensor solution for hydraulic cylinders that significantly simplifies installation and maintenance. The new posichron EasyMount is an absolute, non-contact and wear-free linear position sensor system for measurement ranges up to 5,750 mm.
The core part of the sensor solution is a strong, maintenance-free magnet fixed inside the cylinder. This allows the sensor itself to be mounted on the outside of the hydraulic cylinder rather than inside as is the common configuration.
No deep hole drilling is necessary for sensor installation. In case of maintenance or repair, the sensor is easily accessible from the outside. With this new design, hydraulic cylinders can now be equipped with displacement sensors much more cost-effectively. Small piston diameters with insufficient installation space can be equipped with sensors for the first time. Installation in synchronous cylinders is possible.

Redundant sensor configurations are an option up to fourfold. Various designs are available to fit different installation conditions. Due to the new, strong magnet fixed in the cylinder, the sensor can be mounted on the outside of the hydraulic cylinder instead of inside the cylinder as usual.
Based in Moosinning, Germany near Munich, ASM was founded more than 40 years ago. The firm specializes as an innovation and development center for advanced mechatronic sensors. It collaborates with various research institutes in much of its technology development. See www.asm-sensor.com.