Magnetic Imaging with SQUID sensitivity by Quantum Design, and New CEO 

Quantum Design has a new desktop microscope for imaging magnetic field distribution with SQUID sensitivity, and begins 2025 with a new CEO. 

The QDM.IO is the first system on the market which provides large area imaging of the magnetic field distribution using measurement based on nitrogen-vacancy centers implanted in a diamond. Conventional NV center-based microscopes use a single NV center in the tip and scan the sample, however, the heart of this microscope is a chip with many NV centers which can measure a large area simultaneously. The result is nanotesla sensitivity that not only detects the strength but also the local vector of the magnetic field. 

Essentially acting as a very sensitive nanoscale magnetometer, it uses a nitrogen-doped diamond chip to allow researchers to visualize magnetic fields with extremely fine detail at the atomic level. Basically, Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUID) are highly sensitive types of magnetometers that can detect extremely weak magnetic fields. 

Applications for the instrument include studies of 2D materials, photovoltaics, electronic components, paleomagnetism and biomagnetism. Features include a wide field of view of 4 x 4 mm2 with correlative magnetic and optical measurement. 

In December, the San Diego-based company appointed Stuart Schoenmann to be its new global CEO. He has several decades worth of experience leading technology companies through periods of successful growth and expansion in areas including life science instrumentation, non-contact infrared measurement devices, photonics, optics and lasers. Companies he has led include Perkin-Elmer, Corning, Raytek, and CVI Melles Griot. 

Since its inception in 1982, Quantum Design has developed and manufactured automated temperature and magnetic field-testing platforms for materials characterization. The company later broadened its scope to distribute scientific instruments from other manufacturers through an international network of wholly owned subsidiaries.