Month: July 2017

April 2017
Recent Developments and Trends in Nd-Fe-B Magnets Miniaturized LC Filters for Suppression of EMI Kool Mµ MAX: The Next Generation of Sendust Cores from Magnetics CST Studio Suite Version 2017 Now Shipping Permanent Magnet Market […]

Magnetometry Measurements: Considerations for Magnetic and First-Order-Reversal-Curve Measurements
Brad C. Dodrill, Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. Magnetometers are used to characterize magnetic material properties. Magnetometry techniques can be broadly classified into two categories: inductive and force-based. Common inductive methods include vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), […]

Summer 2017
Magnetometry Measurements: Considerations for Magnetic and First-Order-Reversal-Curve Measurements Magnetometers are used to characterize magnetic material properties. Magnetometry techniques can be broadly classified into two categories: inductive and force-based. Common inductive methods include vibrating sample magnetometry […]