
Defense Contractors Apply Advanced Radar to Fighter Jets; Magnetic Systems & Components Play Key Role as Technology Expands to Maritime & Commercial Use 

In the unrelenting global race for air combat superiority, the progressive development and integration of Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar has become an industry standard for virtually all new fighter jets. Additionally, many older aircraft are being retrofit to incorporate the radars because it provides what Lockheed Martin, whose subsidiary Northrop Grumman is the largest provider of the systems, describes as “first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability.” […]

e-Power Technology

Collins Aerospace Pushes e-Aviation Technology to New Heights with Family of Powerful PM Motors & Generators 

Powered by its breakthrough 1MW permanent-magnet motor, bolstered by a new lab for advanced electric systems and developing a 1MW generator for the military, Collins Aerospace is lifting electric propulsion and electrified power for aviation to new heights. Engineers at the company are developing a family of motors and integrated power systems for broad application in future hybrid and fully electric aircraft as they participate in a range of R&D projects spanning North America and Europe. […]

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Peer into the Future of Magnetics for Energy at ARPA-E Summit 

Magnetics technology plays a key role in much of today’s energy research – looking for breakthroughs in electric propulsion for aviation, high-temperature superconductors, fusion energy, machine modeling for power magnetics, new embedded cooling and winding topologies for improving permanent-magnet motors, even magnetic resonance imaging of crop roots. Visitors to the U.S. Department of Energy’s ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit & Technology Showcase can explore a fascinating array of these and meet the scientists behind them, as well as many other aspects of energy R&D. It will be held in Denver in May. This article highlights some of the magnetic-related projects. […]


Enpulsion Thrusters Propel Small & Nano Satellites

As satellites get smaller, electromagnetic systems increasingly are taking over propulsion duties from traditional rocket fuel systems. One company whose mini-thrusters are heading into space is Enpulsion of Austria, emerging as a leading manufacturer of electric propulsion systems for nanosatellites and microsatellites. […]