
Reduced-Helium Magnets from Philips a Game-Changer in MRI Scanners

Maximizing image quality is a given in any new magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Delivering that capability to the maximum number of patients and doing it cost effectively, however, depends on optimizing workflows and maximizing scanner up-time. Many radiology departments are currently under extreme pressure to perform more MRI scans on more patients, not only due to the aging population but also to deal with the backlog of cases resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.



Scientists Streamline Process for Controlling Spin in Magnetic Materials

Marking a major achievement in the field of spintronics, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and Yale University have demonstrated the ability to control spin dynamics in magnetic materials by altering their thickness. The study, published recently in Nature Materials, could lead to smaller, more energy-efficient electronic devices. […]


Bilfinger Noell Producing Superconductor Magnet Systems for Major Research Projects

With groundbreaking new superconducting and fundamental scientific projects underway at major research facilities, Bilfinger Noell of Germany is playing a leading role in providing the sophisticated magnetics engineering expertise that is needed for them. The latest is […]


Magnetism Does the Twist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Scientists have discovered a strategy for layering dissimilar crystals with atomic precision to control the size of resulting magnetic quasi-particles called skyrmions. The approach could advance high-density data storage and quantum magnets for quantum information science.  The depiction above, by […]