
Time Medical MRI Charges Ahead with Production of Neonatal MRI in Hong Kong

With US FDA clearance in hand and a new production facility in Hong Kong, Time Medical is charging ahead to get NEONA, its breakthrough neonatal magnetic resonance imaging system, on the market. A world-first superconducting MRI system dedicated for baby diagnosis, NEONA can significantly improve the precision and image quality of fragile newborns, infants and children. […]


Phantech Advances MRI Precision with Magnetic Phantoms 

Precision and purity are both key elements for successful magnetic resonance imaging in today’s medical and scientific worlds. One company advancing the technology is startup biotech firm Phantech, a spinout from laboratories at the University of Wisconsin which specializes in creating preclinical and clinical phantoms used for calibrating sensitive MRI equipment. Among its types of phantoms are several for the growing field of magnetic particle imaging. […]


Reduced-Helium Magnets from Philips a Game-Changer in MRI Scanners

Maximizing image quality is a given in any new magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Delivering that capability to the maximum number of patients and doing it cost effectively, however, depends on optimizing workflows and maximizing scanner up-time. Many radiology departments are currently under extreme pressure to perform more MRI scans on more patients, not only due to the aging population but also to deal with the backlog of cases resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
