
National Fusion Facility Achieves Milestone 

The DIII-D National Fusion Facility in San Diego, home of the largest magnetic fusion research machine in the U.S., recently surpassed its 200,000th experimental cycle since it began operations, marking an important milestone in the development of clean fusion energy. Referred to as “shots,” each of these tests and discharges have advanced the U.S. fusion research program’s collective understanding of how to create, shape, and confine plasmas to support the development of fusion as a source of base-load energy in the future. […]


Navy Aircraft Carriers Increase Use of Electromagnetic Launch System 

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems has been awarded a contract by US Naval Air Systems Command to continue development and evaluation of tailored configurations of the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System and Advanced Arresting Gear as a potential foreign military sale to the French Navy for their next generation aircraft carrier, Porte-Avions Nouvelle Génération. […]


General Atomics EMALS, AAG Systems Achieves 3,000 Aircraft Launch and Recovery Milestone Aboard USS Gerald R. Ford

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) recently announced that more than 3,000 catapult launches and landing arrestments using the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) and Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) system have been successfully and safely completed […]


Development of a High-Field, Non-Insulated, High Temperature Superconducting Magnet for Fusion Research and Other Applications

By Dr. Zbigniew Piec and Thomas W. Overton  Recent advances in superconductor technology, especially high-temperature superconductors (HTS), have revolutionized industries from defense and transportation to energy, medicine, and basic science. Magnets employing superconducting (SC) material in their windings can […]