e-Power Technology

X-Division Spreads Helix e-Propulsion to More Markets & OEMs 

Designers of high-performance products for e-mobility are getting to know the Helix brand, launched in 2022 to spread the electric propulsion technology of Integral Powertrain Ltd of the UK to more automotive and motorcycle OEMs while also positioning into aviation, marine and aerospace markets. From its roots in designing propulsion systems for motorsports, Helix has emerged as an established series manufacturer of the power-dense motors, inverters and e-powertrains that it develops. […]


TCT Magnetic Core & Component Collaborates with E-peas to Create Self-Powered Current Sensor 

Magnetic component and core specialist TCT of France has collaborated with Belgian semiconductor company e-peas to develop a self-powered AC current sensor using TCT’s magnetic core as an energy harvester based on inductance.  The innovative […]