
SBQuantum Pioneers Quantum Magnetometry for Defense, Aerospace & Minerals Exploration 

Poised to disrupt traditional notions in magnetic measurement and our comprehension of the earth’s magnetic field, quantum magnetometry is garnering increased attention. A trailblazing developer of quantum diamond magnetometers is SBQuantum, located in Sherbrooke about 150 km east of Montreal in the Canadian province of Quebec. Recent developments by the company include significant contracts with national space agencies and a collaboration with Silicon Microgravity focused on minerals exploration, along with advancement to finalist status in the prestigious MagQuest Challenge to help build the World Magnetic Model 2030. […]

e-Power Technology

Allegro Builds Magnetic Sensing Portfolio for Detecting Position and Current 

Allegro Microsystems has introduced new magnetic sensing products covering a range of applications for design engineers. New inductive position sensors and a series of micropower magnetic switches and latches were introduced by Allegro at Electronica 2024 held in November in Munich. In September, it launched two new current sensors utilizing its recently acquired XtremeSense tunnel magneto resistance (TMR) technology –representing the first TMR products launched since the company’s acquisition of Crocus Technologies. […]


Draper Leads Defense Program to Develop Microbe-based Sensors, Among Numerous Magnetic-Related Efforts 

Engaged in diverse areas of research and development, Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Draper has a way of touching cutting-edge magnetic technologies in many of its activities, dating back to its founder who was a pioneer in inertial navigation. Recent activities include: […]