Research & Development

New Technology Makes Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles and Ferries Attractive

Researchers at Chalmers have developed an induction technology that enables battery charging without the help of a human or robotic arm. The technology is also so complete that it can soon be presented to industry. A new type of semiconductor based on silicon carbide. And a newly developed copper wire, as thin as a human hair. These are a couple of factors that suddenly made it more realistic to transmit high power through air. […]

Research & Development

Breakthrough in Magnetic Quantum Material Paves Way for Ultra-Fast Sustainable Computers

The discovery of new quantum materials with magnetic properties are believed to pave the way for ultra-fast and considerably more energy efficient computers and mobile devices. So far, these types of materials have been shown to work only in extremely cold temperatures. Now, a research team at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden are the first to make a device made of a two-dimensional magnetic material work in at room temperature. […]