
National Fusion Facility Achieves Milestone 

The DIII-D National Fusion Facility in San Diego, home of the largest magnetic fusion research machine in the U.S., recently surpassed its 200,000th experimental cycle since it began operations, marking an important milestone in the development of clean fusion energy. Referred to as “shots,” each of these tests and discharges have advanced the U.S. fusion research program’s collective understanding of how to create, shape, and confine plasmas to support the development of fusion as a source of base-load energy in the future. […]


ESA Awards Development Contract for NanoMagSat

The ESA recently awarded a contract to Open Cosmos to design, build, launch and commission the NanoMagSat Scout satellites. This new mission will uphold Europe’s leadership in monitoring Earth’s magnetic field and contribute to applications such as space weather hazard assessment, navigation, directional drilling, and more. […]


EV Power & Propulsion Systems Deliver Maximum Electrification Properties With Components Containing Magnetic Metals’ Tape Wound Toroidal & Cut Cores

Magnetic Metals’ tape wound toroidal & cut cores deliver the essential magnetic properties and efficiencies required for:  Transformers that power EV Charging Stations,  Transformers that control & monitor AC induction & DC motor performance  Power […]