
First U.S.-Built Focusing Magnet for LHC Upgrade Arrives at CERN, Uses New Superconducting Material 

After twenty years of research, development, testing and production, the United States is now shipping state-of-the-art superconducting accelerator magnets to CERN for the high-luminosity upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. At the heart of these powerful magnets is a new superconducting material used for the first time in a particle accelerator. Earlier, prototypes performed successfully but exhibited shortcomings, however, the dedicated teams of scientists and engineers overcame them with some design and production adjustments.


Research & Development

First-Ever Wireless Device Developed to Make Magnetism Appear in Non-Magnetic Materials

Researchers at the UAB and ICMAB-CSIC have succeeded in bringing wireless technology to the fundamental level of magnetic devices. The emergence and control of magnetic properties in cobalt nitride layers (initially non-magnetic) by voltage, without connecting the sample to electrical wiring represents a paradigm shift that can facilitate the creation of magnetic nanorobots for biomedicine and computing systems where basic information management processes do not require wiring. Part of the experiments were performed at BOREAS beamline of the ALBA Synchrotron. […]

Research & Development

A Helmet with Magnetic Sensors Records Brain Function

The helmet is the first of its kind to accurately record magnetic fields generated by brain activity while people are in motion. This advance could make it easier to conduct brain scans in young children and individuals with neurological disorders who can’t always remain still in conventional scanners. […]

Research & Development

Partnership between Bunting-DuBois and the Critical Materials Institute, AMES National Laboratory leads to Cerium Gap Magnets

Bunting-DuBois in partnership with the CMI at Ames National Laboratory has successfully compression bonded a new magnet material.  The “Cerium Gap Magnet” is made by utilizing the plentiful rare earth element Cerium (Ce).  The project […]