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November/December 2024

GE Powering Electrification of Maritime PropulsionDesigned with versatility and dependability in mind, an extensive array of systems from GE Power are bringing propulsion electrification to maritime fleets. Serving both naval and commercial vessels, many incorporate […]


SBQuantum Pioneers Quantum Magnetometry for Defense, Aerospace & Minerals Exploration 

Poised to disrupt traditional notions in magnetic measurement and our comprehension of the earth’s magnetic field, quantum magnetometry is garnering increased attention. A trailblazing developer of quantum diamond magnetometers is SBQuantum, located in Sherbrooke about 150 km east of Montreal in the Canadian province of Quebec. Recent developments by the company include significant contracts with national space agencies and a collaboration with Silicon Microgravity focused on minerals exploration, along with advancement to finalist status in the prestigious MagQuest Challenge to help build the World Magnetic Model 2030. […]

e-Power Technology

Marelli Motori Supports Hydropower in Zimbabwe, Critical Power Generation in Ukraine and Peru 

Marelli Motori, a leading Italy-based manufacturer of industrial motors, generators and electromechanical products, many of which are permanent-magnet topologies, reports several notable placements of its products recently. They involve synchronous permanent-magnet generators for an important hydro plant in Africa, also for a new power plant in Peru, and alternators for power generation equipment destined to provide critical support to avoid hunger in Ukraine. A strategic focus of the company is on permanent magnet technology for industrial power. […]