
Magnetron Leader CPI Electron Devices Now Part of TransDigm 

CPI Electron Device Businesss is the new name for one of the world’s largest producers of magnetrons and a prolific developer of electromagnetic systems for aerospace and defense markets, as a result of its acquisition by TransDigm from Communications & Power Industries. Before it was spun out from CPI in mid-2024 and acquired by TransDigm for about $1.385 billion, it was formerly the Electron Device Business of Varian Associates and has long been a global manufacturer of electronic components and subsystems including radio frequency and microwave products. Now CPI-EDB operates as one of the more than 50 companies owned by Transdigm which primarily provide aircraft components for commercial and military fleets around the world.  […]

e-Power Technology

TDK prepares for the age of Artificial Intelligence at electronica 2024 

The Tokyo-based TDK Corporation, one of the world leaders in electronic solutions for the smart society, is positioning itself for the age of artificial intelligence. The company expects rapid growth revolving around this new technology in the coming decade and is aligning its innovation and business strategy accordingly. Moreover, the company sees further global megatrends in green transformation and the ongoing digital transformation. […]


Exxelia Adds to Magnetics Portfolio with Acquisition of SVM Pty in India 

Exxelia, a global manufacturer of passive components and sub-systems headquartered in Paris, has acquired controlling interest of SVM Private Limited in India which specializes in the design and manufacturing of magnetic components and busbars for healthcare and industrial end-markets. […]


Precision Audio Specialist Knowles Focuses on Medical & Industrial Applications to Ignite Growth 

Intent on growing its business in custom manufacturing for medical devices and industrial applications, precision audio specialist Knowles Corporation is repositioning through two key corporate deals — divestiture of its consumer MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) microphone business and the acquisition of Cornell Dubilier, while focusing on targeted growth markets for its core capabilities in precision miniaturization. Among the company’s magnetic technologies are miniature windings and balanced armature speakers and drivers.  […]