
Phantech Advances MRI Precision with Magnetic Phantoms 

Precision and purity are both key elements for successful magnetic resonance imaging in today’s medical and scientific worlds. One company advancing the technology is startup biotech firm Phantech, a spinout from laboratories at the University of Wisconsin which specializes in creating preclinical and clinical phantoms used for calibrating sensitive MRI equipment. Among its types of phantoms are several for the growing field of magnetic particle imaging. […]

Research & Development

The Scary Sound of Earth’s Magnetic Field

Despite being essential to life on Earth, the magnetic field isn’t something we can actually see in itself, or ever hear. But, remarkably, scientists at the Technical University of Denmark have taken magnetic signals measured by ESA’s Swarm satellite mission and converted them into sound – and for something that protects us, the result is pretty scary. […]

Research & Development

A Magnetic Nano-Elevator for Three Dimensional Spintronic Devices

Information technologies will be responsible for about 20% of electricity consumption worldwide by 2025, which urgently requires the development of new types of greener nanoelectronic devices. Spintronics, making use of not only the charge of electrons but also of its intrinsic angular momentum (its spin) is an emerging technology that can overcome some of these challenges […]