KR Tech, a manufacturer of precision electromagnets in South Korea, reports that it has had several large orders of its octupole magnets for scientific research recently from sites in the United Kingdom and Switzerland. One involved a delivery of more than 250 sets of the high-precision electromagnets, the other a contract for more than 50 sets.
In May, KR Tech reported delivery of 268 sets of the octupole magnets to the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, an internationally recognized cutting-edge research center in the natural and engineering sciences. Scientists from all over the world carry out experiments at its large research facilities in Villigen. The delivery was valued at $4.5 million.

In November, KR Tech reported a contract for 55 sets of octupole magnets signed with Diamond Research Institute Trade Association in the UK, valued at about $3 million. They are expected to be put into service at Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron facility in Oxfordshire.
Octupoles are designed to generate a magnetic field with a complex distribution determined by eight poles arranged in an intricate pattern that creates a field which varies with the third power of the distance from the center. Providing a higher order of spatial dependence than simpler electromagnets such as dipoles or quadropoles, they are useful for precise manipulation of charged particles in particle accelerators or advanced magnetic imaging techniques.

Based in Daegu, KR Tech is a leading manufacturer of precision electromagnets, charged particle beam line systems, medical therapy systems, solenoid coils for the solar industry, superconducting magnets and particle accelerator magnets for physics research. A year ago, it built dipole magnet coils for DESY Research Institute in Germany for the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, a research center of the Helmholtz Association.

Resistive and superconducting electromagnets for particle accelerators of all types are designed and built by the company’s physicists and engineers who provide a complete electromagnetic engineering, design, manufacture and test service. The capabilities are available either individually or as an integrated package to technology oriented customers for developing new projects and improving existing products. See www.krtech.co.kr.