
thyssenkrupp Modernizes Plant for Thin-Sheet Electrical Steel 

thyssenkrupp Steel has put into operation a new high-tech annealing and isolating line for producing electrical steel in Bochum, Germany. Part of a modernization project, the modern and energy-efficient plant in the Ruhr Valley now can manufacture up to 0.2 mm thin electrical sheet with particularly homogeneous mechanical and magnetic properties tailored for advanced EV motors. […]


Bluefors Expands Cryo Lab & Dilution Refrigerator Production in North America, Launches Ultra-Compact Model 

Amidst the global launch of a new ultra-compact dilution refrigerator, Finnish cryogenics developer Bluefors is expanding rapidly in North America via the establishment of a new cryo research service lab in Chicago and 45% expansion to its production facility for dilution refrigerators in Syracuse,New York, making it the largest producer of dilution refrigerators on the continent.  […]


Less Common Metals Forges Technical Advancements in Magnetic Alloys 

Less Common Metals, a refiner and leading producer of rare earth metals and alloys in the Western world, continues to expand its technical capabilities with the addition of more process equipment at its headquarters in England, with a newly designed molten salt electrolysis cell and through an innovative collaborative effort on magnet recycling. This article highlights some of the recent developments. […]


Melexis Opens R&D Center for Current Sensing, Posts New Inductive Coil Simulation Tool (Free Online!) 

Melexis, a microelectronics company based in Tessenderlo, Belgium, has opened a new office and laboratory in southern France where its engineering teams will continue to innovate by developing the company’s next generations of current sensors. […]


National Fusion Facility Achieves Milestone 

The DIII-D National Fusion Facility in San Diego, home of the largest magnetic fusion research machine in the U.S., recently surpassed its 200,000th experimental cycle since it began operations, marking an important milestone in the development of clean fusion energy. Referred to as “shots,” each of these tests and discharges have advanced the U.S. fusion research program’s collective understanding of how to create, shape, and confine plasmas to support the development of fusion as a source of base-load energy in the future. […]