
Size Matters at TI: New Magnetic Packaging Technology Shrinks Power Modules; Develops Tiniest MCU Yet 

Utilizing its proprietary MagPack integrated magnetic packaging technology, Texas Instruments has introduced a series of six new power modules designed to improve power density, enhance efficiency and reduce EMI. TI engineers have shrunk the size of the modules by up to 23% compared to other modules and up to 50% smaller than their previous models, enabling designers of industrial, enterprise and communications applications to achieve previously impossible performance levels. Three of the six new devices rank as the smallest 6A power modules available, supplying an industry-leading power density of nearly 1A per 1mm2 of area, said TI. […]


Proximity Effect Used to Synthesize Ferroelectric Materials 

Ferroelectrics are special materials with polarized positive and negative charges — like a magnet has north and south poles — that can be reversed when external electricity is applied. The materials will remain in these reversed states until more power is applied, making them useful for data storage and wireless communication applications. Now, turning a non-ferroelectric material into one may be possible simply by stacking it with another ferroelectric material, according to a team led by scientists from Penn State who demonstrated the phenomenon, called proximity ferroelectricity. […]


Bluefors Expands Cryo Lab & Dilution Refrigerator Production in North America, Launches Ultra-Compact Model 

Amidst the global launch of a new ultra-compact dilution refrigerator, Finnish cryogenics developer Bluefors is expanding rapidly in North America via the establishment of a new cryo research service lab in Chicago and 45% expansion to its production facility for dilution refrigerators in Syracuse,New York, making it the largest producer of dilution refrigerators on the continent.  […]


Melexis Opens R&D Center for Current Sensing, Posts New Inductive Coil Simulation Tool (Free Online!) 

Melexis, a microelectronics company based in Tessenderlo, Belgium, has opened a new office and laboratory in southern France where its engineering teams will continue to innovate by developing the company’s next generations of current sensors. […]