Rare Earths: Worldwide Markets, Applications, Technologies

Advanced Materials Market Data Just Published by BCC Research

The global market for rare earths in 2010 was 141.3 thousand metric tons of equivalent rare earth oxides (REO), and is estimated to reach 158.2 thousand metric tons by the end of 2011. Consequently, the total market for rare earths is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3 percent through 2016, leading to the consumption of nearly 258 billion tons of REO in 2016.

Learn about rare earth materials, their sources, pricing, and production processes, and current and emerging applications. The report includes an analysis of the rare earth industry, market trends, and growth forecasts over the next 5 years. Patent analysis and profiles of leading industry players are provided as well.

Use this report to:

  • Evaluate the current status and future trends of the rare earth industry from a global standpoint
  • Have an updated review of rare earth technology, focusing on materials, sources, and applications
  • Learn about new technological developments during the past three years as they relate to rare earths
  • Identify important technological and market trends within each market segment.

To provide further information about this report we offer a Complimentary Introduction, available from our Website. To download, simply click here, go to the Table of Contents tab, add the complimentary introduction to your cart, and confirm your order.